Sunday, 16 September 2007

Judit Polgar simul 1999

Kasparov v Radjabov Linares 2003

Gary Kasparov v IBM

Queen's Gambit explained by Gary Kasparov

Lasker's Trap

Alekhine defence

A beginner's explanation...

Benoni defence

Another beginners explanation.

Reti Opening

Here is the very beginning of the Reti opening.

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Sam Lloyd's Chess Puzzle: Lonely King on h4 Mated in 3 Moves

Narrated by S Vorojtsov... probably not much practical use this one...

E. Lasker - G. Thomas (London, 1912)

Narrated by Sergei Vorojtsov... an unusual checkmate, surely?

Monday, 10 September 2007